Case Studies

Bill Alverson

Bill Alverson is a lawyer, TV personality and multiple award winning pageant coach. Bill operates his own private law practice with his son and also privately coaches pageant girls.

Client Goals

Bill wanted to organically build a social media presence on TikTok that portrayed his personality and also spread awareness about his legal and pageant coaching services. He wanted one Law focused TikTok account and one Pageant focused TikTok account.

Our goals for Bill's law TikTok account for the first 2.5 months of posting were the following:

1.5 million total video views


An overall engagement rate of 5.5%

Our goals for Bill's pageant TikTok account for the first 2 months of posting were the following:

700,000 total video views


An overall engagement rate of 5.5%

What We Did

We started Bill’s Law TikTok and Pageant TikTok accounts from scratch. Since Bill’s goals focused on maximizing the awareness of him and his services, our strategy focused on creating content precisely tailored to his target demographic.

By posting consistently, using the correct hashtags and commenting on other creator’s videos within our niche we maximized the number of video and profile views each account got daily. These practices allowed us to curate a following and an audience for our videos that contained only individuals interested in Bill’s content. This maximized each video’s engagement and retention rate.

Our team researched what types of content Bill's target demographic liked to watch on TikTok and what types of content we needed to make in order to reach them through the TikTok algorithm.

We worked with Bill to brainstorm content ideas and we edited the videos to be posted on Bill’s TikTok accounts.

The Results

We exceeded all reach, follower and engagement KPIs on Bill’s law account.

10 Million Video Views

10% average Engagement Rate

We exceeded all reach, follower and engagement KPIs on Bill’s pageant account.

1.7 Million Video Views
10% average Engagement Rate

Roaring 20s

Roaring 20s is an event company centered around giving young independent artists a platform to perform their music. They planned to host weekly events at multiple locations over a 2 month period in New York City.

Client Goals

Roaring 20s wanted to use social media to improve the marketing for their events. They wanted a video-focused social media campaign on Instagram that encouraged their target demographic to buy tickets on a weekly basis. Their focus was to sell as many tickets as possible for all 8 of their events.

The goals for our social media marketing campaign were the following:

Sell 60% of total tickets for the first event

Sell at least 70% of total tickets for events 2-8

Get at least 1k views on each video posted

Get at least a 5% engagement rate on each video posted

What We Did

In order for the campaign to be successful we had to effectively convey to the viewer the experience of going to a Roaring 20s event.

We decided the best way to do this was to organically make exciting promotional videos for each upcoming event and a recap video showing what happened at the previous event.

Our team brainstormed, filmed and edited all of the video content for the campaign. 

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